Friday, January 15, 2010

A Life Worthy Of The Calling...Day 5

TODAY IS FRIDAY!!! oh man that made it so hard to get up this morning! But today was a good day! We had intercession instead of worship, Sharon came and showed pictures of the Costa Rica outreach and shared about what they were doing. We then spent a while praying for them. It was great time!
After that, we again spent time talking to a couple people from Blackfalds who are involved with the community. Today we talked to two pastors. It kinda Went all over the place but there were a couple different points that really really hit me. We looked at Ephesians 4 "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling."
And then John 21:1-14. The passage in John comes right after the death and resurrection of Christ, and Peter has denied Jesus three times. I won't type the whole thing out but I will explain it and just quote the key point. This passage is about Jesus reveling himself to his disciples, after he has been raised from the dead. Peter went out fishing with some of the other disciples. They were fishing all night and caught nothing, In the morning Jesus showed up on shore and called to them asking how the fishing was going, they told him (not knowing who he was) that they had been out all night and caught nothing. So Jesus told them to throw the net over the other side of the boat, when they did so they caught a full net! Peter immediately knew it was Jesus and jumped in and swam to shore. When he and the others got to shore the saw that a fire had already been lit. Here is the key verse that comes next. John 21:12 "Jesus said to them, 'Come and have breakfast.' None of the disciples ventured to question him, 'who are you?' Knowing that this was the Lord."
The part in john really hit me because Peter has just denied Jesus publicly three times after He told him he would, and then he says "here have some breakfast!" He didn't hold a grudge, He didn't come up to him and say "I told you so" he just said here let me bless you. I thought that was just a really cool thought. It made me think about how much we point out the negative that people already know that the have done, instead of just being a friend. And in Ephesians Paul tells us to "live a life worthy of the call." Are we living out lives to the fullest? Are we living what God intended us to live? just a couple thoughts.
This afternoon we went to volunteer at the Olympic Torch Rally. That was a whole lot of hype for about 30 seconds of nothing(?) We stood around directing people through gates, turning people away if they came to the wrong one. We froze our butts off to see a torch for about 5 minuets...Wow...
I am so excited for the weekend! Sleeping, sleeping, homework, sleeping. oh good times...
Things I Learned Today...
1. Never give Eli or Chris a tape
2. Slog is a word
3. That shoes with holes in them are not conducive to keeping your feet warm when you are standing in wet slush all day
4. There is nothing to do in the Red house on a Friday night no matter how many times you search it
5. Homework sucks

Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Greater Love Than This...Day 4

I managed to be on time again this morning, AND the church was unlocked! I am really getting good at this! This morning we the talked again about community and love, but today we were able to interview a couple people who are involved with the Blackfalds community. We interviewed the lady who runs the food bank in town and then two people from Neighborhood place. It was really cool to hear what they had to say about community and Blackfalds and their idea's on how you can change it. The verse we read before we went out at interviewed them was John 15:9-15 the key verses in this are verse 12-13
12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down your life for his friend."
It was great to just spend sometime hearing their stories and such! We also talked a bit about it as a group, how it would look for us to lay down our lives for others. I mean it could as simple as just listening to someone, or letting them "win" the argument. It kinda ties in with the relinquishing your rights that we talked about yesterday. Sometimes all people need is a listening ear, or a honest "how are you?" I mean how many times have you asked someone that question and really wanted an answer? or even waited around for one? One of the ladies said "A lot of the problems with the youth in our community comes from them not being respected as people (this goes for adults as well). If you want respect you have to give respect." That really got me thinking, a lot of the times we just label people and judge them by their outer appearance. If we don't treat them like humans of course they aren't gonna act like them! They are just gonna act the way we treat them. It just really got me thinking, even a smile can make a difference!
This afternoon was bible study...haha that was great! today wasn't to much of bible studying as more of a teaching the approach that we are learning for studying. It is called the Inductive approach. There are four steps to this approach
1) Observation - What does the text say?
2) Interpretation - What did the text mean to the original readers?
3) Application - What does the text mean to me?
4) Proclamation - How can this be shared with others?
We started with Colossians. So we are working through it just color coding it and such, just really digging into the book, there is so much in it, it's amazing!
We also just started by talking about why we study the bible, and we read part of psalm 119, we each took 20 verses, one of the verses that really stuck out to me was Psalm 119:92 "If thy law had not been my delight, Then I would have perished in my affliction." That just really jumped out at me. It made me think of the song "Keep your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim. In the light of his glory and grace." I have a lot to think on tonight and a lot of homework...and I need sleep

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Giving Up Your Rights...Day 3

So today started a little better, I was on time. But when we got to the church...we were locked out. haha Oh I love YWAM. Well today was great! Worship was totally cool! We just spent time listening to worship music and writing, or drawing or praying, really whatever just spending time thinking and talking to God. I started writing a poem that will hopefully turn into a song, but we shall see.
After worship our morning session started out with a couple of us sharing our testimonies, and then we watched a video of Loren Cunningham, the man who started YWAM. The video was about relinquishing your rights. Your rights to freedom, finances, family, life, culture, etc. it was a really good video! I got a lot from it. Of course he had to say under the umbrella of culture there was have to give up your right to sleep...How do you do that?? haha and out of all the things he could have said sleep really?? oh darn it
I really enjoyed him as a speaker it was great, and I stayed awake and was able to follow everything that he said! I was proud of myself...but I did hear birds in the most of the time I was paying attention. No I really was, I have notes to prove it.
The afternoon session was intersession. So we gathered at the church and then took a walk through Blackfalds to hear what God was saying about it. Then we gathered at the church again to share what we had all heard, It was great to hear all the things that people had heard and how they had connected to what other people had heard! After that we went out again to pray about what we heard! It was great! just walking by myself with God and praying for the town. Great times! After that we gathered again to share anything else that God had shown us, again there was so much conformation it was great!
Work duty was the same. Mopping, dishes, that kind of thing.
After supper we were able to just hang out at Adam's house and talk, and play a couple games. One of which was "Jungle Speed" kinda like 'Dutch Blitz" mixed with 'spoons' what a great game but it can get a little violent like spoons.
Things I Learned Today
1. Never turn your back on Chris, you will undoubtedly receive a snowball somewhere on your persons.
2. In order to experience the full potential of your relationship with God you need to relinquish your rights as a human.
3. Having said point #2 I must give up my right to sleep *tear*
4. Apparently I am a fast reader
5. If Kirk jumps off a cliff Chris will follow
Here is the little thing I wrote in Worship today.

Beauty Of The Unspoken

The music fades
The silence grows
Whispering the beauty of the unspoken
Laughter dances on the wind
Whispering the beauty of the unspoken
All of creation whispers of something greater
The earth speaks of a maker
Innocence comes in the morning
Whispering the beauty of the unspoken
Words cannot describe
The Beauty that lies in the unspoken


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Living In Community...Day 2

So day two! Wow! what can I say? It started WAY to early for me but I managed to make it! And yup I was late. I found out that my clock is 22 minuets slow! Whoops me! Oh well now I set it a couple minuets fast so hopefully it won't happen again.
Today started with worship, that was so great! A guy named Ben Rogers led worship is was really good! I really enjoyed it. We started session out with getting out journals and talking about the definition of what worship is. The biggest thing we decided was that worship is anything that brings glory to God. You can worship God just by cooking, or cleaning, or working, or training horses, or playing sports, As long as your heart is in the right spot. Worship is an Attitude of heart.
This week the plan is to learn about what it means to be living in community and what it means to love. Well In the middle of our morning session we were interrupted by a emergency phone call. Someone had called the neighborhood place saying that they found a very sick man in one of their houses that they rent out. The man was 64 and had been suffering from an extreme bowel infection (or something of the sort), and was lying on the floor in extreme pain. He was unable to afford an ambulance (being that he was three months under 65 he had to pay close to 500 bucks for it). So Neighborhood place gave us a call to see if we could help him get to the hospital. So we all left the church and went to the coffee shop and prayed for him. Than Adam (the DTS director) took Chris and Brandon to go see if they could get him into the YWAM van and take him to the hospital. The rest of us stayed behind at the coffee shop and prayed for him. It was great just to spend time as a group praying for someone!
After about an hour Adam, Chris and Brandon got back and let us know how he was doing and we told them what we had prayed about. He was able to somewhat walk to the van so they were able to get him to Lacombe hospital. On the way he was just sharing about his cats and how he was concerned they would be hungry so Adam said that we would look after the cats. He also decided that as a group we would give his house a nice cleaning after lunch.
Well As he told us the state of the house we were all expecting the worst, but as it turns out it wasn't as bad as we thought it was. We went in fabreezes blazing (the smell was the worst) holding our breath and opened all the windows and doors. After we had managed the smell and were able to get an idea of what needed to be done we realized that it wasn't so bad (much to our relief ). It needed a good vacuuming, sweeping, the bathrooms were the worst, the kitty liter was a disaster, and there where a couple dishes that needed to be done. So we set to work, it didn't take to long, we fabreezed everything, couches, chairs, bed, we disinfected all the light switches, door handles, garbage can. We got a lot of good laughs and bonded a little as a group. We will go back later this week for the cats and to do some more cleaning. We will continue to pray for him! For healing, for financial provision, salvation. We are excited to see what happens in the future! What a way to learn about what community is! Wow!
that pretty much sums up day 2! other than that we had our work duties and then super! Now it is time to hit the sack! Another early morning awaits me! Yipee!
Things That I have learned Today
1. Adam tends to exaggerate (haha great laughs out of that one)
2. My stomach can handle a lot more than I thought it could
3. God has a funny way of teaching you hands on! It's great!
4. Brandon doesn't like cats
5. I still do NOT like mornings


Monday, January 11, 2010

And So It one

Today was the beginning of one of the largest adventures of my long 18 years of life...YWAM. I moved in yesterday so I guess you could say that the adventure started yesterday but not a whole lot happened so I'm just gonna say that it started today. First off I have to readjust to town living. Street lights, trains. well mostly just the trains. My first night I got about 2 hours of sleep between the train that went past what seemed like every 45 min. I am so not used to that!
I am one of 5 students in this DTS. I am the only girl. Which really isn't much different than living at home except for the fact that none of them are my brothers. At least there are other girls in the house, There is a young couple with at little 1yr old daughter, and then two Korean girls. As of right now I have no roommate but if a girl mission builder comes than she will share my room. The past two nights have been a little boring, spending them in my room alone, over time that might change, but I have a real hard time getting to know people, so it might take a couple days.
Today we just spent time getting to know each other and Blackfalds. We played a couple games to help us learn how we all think, and to learn YWAM's 17 values, haha to bad none of us really read our handbooks...whoops us. This first week we will spend learning what it means to live in community and what it means to love. I am excited to tomorrow when actual classes start! I never thought that I would say that I miss school!
This evening after supper I realized that I am a lot smarter than I thought I was! haha but then again this is just the beginning.
Here at YWAM we are all put on what they call "work duties" they split us up into teams of two and we are responsible for certain chores. I am on lunch clean up and house clean up. So I have to clean up after lunch and then clean the bathrooms, vacuum, sweep, mop, that kind of thing. I am on that with a guy names Kevin. He is from California and is in the Biblical Worldview School. There are Ten people living in the "Red House" (bet you can't guess why it's called that). Two Koreans (Anna & Juhee), Two dutch (Becky & Niek), One Portuguese (Dan), One American (Kevin), 4 Canadians (Chris, Eli, Brandon, Me) and then Becky & Dan's daughter. It makes for cool culture.
I will try keep this as updated as I can, but there are NO guarantees. We will be traveling a lot so I may not have internet access all the time! I will try make it at least once a week! I will end most of them just highlighting interesting things that I have learned, either about myself, life, God, or really anything.
1. I am more of an introvert than I thought
2. You can't scrub off the words that are indented on the inside of rice cookers
3. That it is possible to take a shower in a minuet and a half
4. I am NOT a morning person, even is I am up I do not start functioning at a normal rate until lunch-ish
Anyhow tomorrow is a bright and early day! So long till next time!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Growing pains...

So unfortunately being only 5 foot I have never really experienced growing pains personally. I do however remember the nights I was woken up by my little sister (who by the way is like almost a foot taller than me) screaming in pain, either she has a super low pain tolerance or those were some killer growing pains. She had them often! I on the other had have only experienced the apparent gnawing feeling in my legs only a couple of times (much to my disappointment). I have however and still am experiencing the growing pains of character growth, (due to my lack of experience in the "growing pains" area I will not compare growing of the heart to the growing of legs) I will just say they suck. I am not sure I have really experienced anything quite as painful! I don't even know how to explain them, other than pain, like your heart physically hurts, I never thought you could feel your heart breaking. Anyhow, over the past couple months I have been experiencing lots of growing pains, which I suppose if I look on the bright side is a good thing, but do I always have to look on the bright side? or can I just wallow in the pit of self pity and broken hearts? I know I know "because it builds character." I feel as though I shall have a lot of character very soon.
I often find it hard, and sometimes almost impossible to keep myself out of the "self pity mode" and keep looking at the silver lining. I often wonder why there is so much pain involved in building character. But then you are really just building your heart, and what is your heart? a muscle, and how do you build muscle? by working out. When you work out and push yourself just a little beyond where you normally go (out of your comfort zone) you tare your muscle just a little bit (i.e the stiff feeling you feel after a long hard day). When the muscle fixes itself you have a stronger muscle (i.e six packs). So when you are going through all the heart breaking and taring of growing pains when your heart fixes itself it is much stronger than it was before. But boy I would much rather spend six hours at the gym than go through some character building experience again! But like time they never cease coming.
As much as I hate the feeling of something getting ripped out of my heart, there is nothing better than the feeling after, the peace, the freedom, and (NO WAY!) the strength that I feel. I feel stronger and wiser having gone through those things than I would without. God has been teaching me and guiding me and building my character so much the past couple months it's been amazing! If I look at where I was in September and where I am now I get blown away! I have grown so much (I feel anyways haha not sure what everyone else thinks =P). God has just totally wreaked me. But the cool thing is (unlike when I take something apart) He is putting me back together into something stronger than before. He is shaping me into what he wants me to be, to be able to carry out the plans that he has for me, the plans that were written before time...But golly does it hurt!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New year!!
wow 2010 already! crazy where time goes! So it's been awhile since I last posted, the holidays are soo crazy busy it's ridiculous!! Celebrating them with just my brother was interesting, totally different! not all bad but very very different. None of the traditions we have with our family happened. No dutch food, no tree, no lights, we were in bed by 7:30 every night. We did go to a friends house on Christmas day for dinner and games after, that was fun, we had some good laughs.
New years was about the same. My brother went to pick up my cousin (who is living with us from ONT.) So he was gone till about 3:30am. I went to a friends house for supper and games till about 11:30. That was good. My Year went out with a push! I got stuck in my friends driveway when I was leaving...Really stuck...really really took 13 big guys to push out my vehicle it was quite fun :) Oh the memories I shall carry with me forever.
It's been interesting to adjust to adult life, there are lots of changes. It's been an adjustment living with people who communicate differently than you, who eat differently than you, who run a house differently than you. But as hard as it has been it is all part of growing up and learning and it's been a good thing. Growing never feels good but it's always needed. Sometimes I wish it was just my brother and I but then again When he is gone at work all day it would be pretty darn boring around here. Only one more week to go than I am off to YWAM and will be living with a bunch of new people...PEOPLE I CAN'T GET AWAY FROM THEM haha. I have learned over the past few weeks I am much more of an introvert than I thought. At times that is good but sometimes that is also a pain in the neck! It's a hard road living in community with people, but at the same time has it's advantages. Having parents out of the country is a different feeling, we can't just pick up the phone and talk to them or text them, even e-mail is hard. What a way to get launched into adulthood. I hope to be a little more on top of updating this thing, hopefully once a week but no guarantees.
I hope everyone's year is great!!