Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Giving Up Your Rights...Day 3

So today started a little better, I was on time. But when we got to the church...we were locked out. haha Oh I love YWAM. Well today was great! Worship was totally cool! We just spent time listening to worship music and writing, or drawing or praying, really whatever just spending time thinking and talking to God. I started writing a poem that will hopefully turn into a song, but we shall see.
After worship our morning session started out with a couple of us sharing our testimonies, and then we watched a video of Loren Cunningham, the man who started YWAM. The video was about relinquishing your rights. Your rights to freedom, finances, family, life, culture, etc. it was a really good video! I got a lot from it. Of course he had to say under the umbrella of culture there was have to give up your right to sleep...How do you do that?? haha and out of all the things he could have said sleep really?? oh darn it
I really enjoyed him as a speaker it was great, and I stayed awake and was able to follow everything that he said! I was proud of myself...but I did hear birds in the most of the time I was paying attention. No I really was, I have notes to prove it.
The afternoon session was intersession. So we gathered at the church and then took a walk through Blackfalds to hear what God was saying about it. Then we gathered at the church again to share what we had all heard, It was great to hear all the things that people had heard and how they had connected to what other people had heard! After that we went out again to pray about what we heard! It was great! just walking by myself with God and praying for the town. Great times! After that we gathered again to share anything else that God had shown us, again there was so much conformation it was great!
Work duty was the same. Mopping, dishes, that kind of thing.
After supper we were able to just hang out at Adam's house and talk, and play a couple games. One of which was "Jungle Speed" kinda like 'Dutch Blitz" mixed with 'spoons' what a great game but it can get a little violent like spoons.
Things I Learned Today
1. Never turn your back on Chris, you will undoubtedly receive a snowball somewhere on your persons.
2. In order to experience the full potential of your relationship with God you need to relinquish your rights as a human.
3. Having said point #2 I must give up my right to sleep *tear*
4. Apparently I am a fast reader
5. If Kirk jumps off a cliff Chris will follow
Here is the little thing I wrote in Worship today.

Beauty Of The Unspoken

The music fades
The silence grows
Whispering the beauty of the unspoken
Laughter dances on the wind
Whispering the beauty of the unspoken
All of creation whispers of something greater
The earth speaks of a maker
Innocence comes in the morning
Whispering the beauty of the unspoken
Words cannot describe
The Beauty that lies in the unspoken


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