Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New year!!
wow 2010 already! crazy where time goes! So it's been awhile since I last posted, the holidays are soo crazy busy it's ridiculous!! Celebrating them with just my brother was interesting, totally different! not all bad but very very different. None of the traditions we have with our family happened. No dutch food, no tree, no lights, we were in bed by 7:30 every night. We did go to a friends house on Christmas day for dinner and games after, that was fun, we had some good laughs.
New years was about the same. My brother went to pick up my cousin (who is living with us from ONT.) So he was gone till about 3:30am. I went to a friends house for supper and games till about 11:30. That was good. My Year went out with a push! I got stuck in my friends driveway when I was leaving...Really stuck...really really took 13 big guys to push out my vehicle it was quite fun :) Oh the memories I shall carry with me forever.
It's been interesting to adjust to adult life, there are lots of changes. It's been an adjustment living with people who communicate differently than you, who eat differently than you, who run a house differently than you. But as hard as it has been it is all part of growing up and learning and it's been a good thing. Growing never feels good but it's always needed. Sometimes I wish it was just my brother and I but then again When he is gone at work all day it would be pretty darn boring around here. Only one more week to go than I am off to YWAM and will be living with a bunch of new people...PEOPLE I CAN'T GET AWAY FROM THEM haha. I have learned over the past few weeks I am much more of an introvert than I thought. At times that is good but sometimes that is also a pain in the neck! It's a hard road living in community with people, but at the same time has it's advantages. Having parents out of the country is a different feeling, we can't just pick up the phone and talk to them or text them, even e-mail is hard. What a way to get launched into adulthood. I hope to be a little more on top of updating this thing, hopefully once a week but no guarantees.
I hope everyone's year is great!!

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