Friday, January 15, 2010

A Life Worthy Of The Calling...Day 5

TODAY IS FRIDAY!!! oh man that made it so hard to get up this morning! But today was a good day! We had intercession instead of worship, Sharon came and showed pictures of the Costa Rica outreach and shared about what they were doing. We then spent a while praying for them. It was great time!
After that, we again spent time talking to a couple people from Blackfalds who are involved with the community. Today we talked to two pastors. It kinda Went all over the place but there were a couple different points that really really hit me. We looked at Ephesians 4 "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling."
And then John 21:1-14. The passage in John comes right after the death and resurrection of Christ, and Peter has denied Jesus three times. I won't type the whole thing out but I will explain it and just quote the key point. This passage is about Jesus reveling himself to his disciples, after he has been raised from the dead. Peter went out fishing with some of the other disciples. They were fishing all night and caught nothing, In the morning Jesus showed up on shore and called to them asking how the fishing was going, they told him (not knowing who he was) that they had been out all night and caught nothing. So Jesus told them to throw the net over the other side of the boat, when they did so they caught a full net! Peter immediately knew it was Jesus and jumped in and swam to shore. When he and the others got to shore the saw that a fire had already been lit. Here is the key verse that comes next. John 21:12 "Jesus said to them, 'Come and have breakfast.' None of the disciples ventured to question him, 'who are you?' Knowing that this was the Lord."
The part in john really hit me because Peter has just denied Jesus publicly three times after He told him he would, and then he says "here have some breakfast!" He didn't hold a grudge, He didn't come up to him and say "I told you so" he just said here let me bless you. I thought that was just a really cool thought. It made me think about how much we point out the negative that people already know that the have done, instead of just being a friend. And in Ephesians Paul tells us to "live a life worthy of the call." Are we living out lives to the fullest? Are we living what God intended us to live? just a couple thoughts.
This afternoon we went to volunteer at the Olympic Torch Rally. That was a whole lot of hype for about 30 seconds of nothing(?) We stood around directing people through gates, turning people away if they came to the wrong one. We froze our butts off to see a torch for about 5 minuets...Wow...
I am so excited for the weekend! Sleeping, sleeping, homework, sleeping. oh good times...
Things I Learned Today...
1. Never give Eli or Chris a tape
2. Slog is a word
3. That shoes with holes in them are not conducive to keeping your feet warm when you are standing in wet slush all day
4. There is nothing to do in the Red house on a Friday night no matter how many times you search it
5. Homework sucks

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