Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Horse...

Ok so I just got some exciting news!! I went to go look at a horse this past Sunday, I fell in love at first sight. He's the sweetest little guys ever! he has lots of spunk but he's very good with people. He's two years old and only halter broke which means I get to train him!! I am so excited! anyways today I found out that I got approved to purchase him! He is a rescue horse so that means that they are a little tighter on the purchasers so I had to give references and such, but they approved me! Now I get to go pick him up whenever I want to!! so hopefully this weekend!! I am so stoked!! His name right now is Conman but I will probably change it, I have a couple ideas but nothing official yet. Here are some pictures of him!

He needs some work on his coat and stuff but all that needs it a little bit of TLC and one on one care. He is still growing, he is about 14hh-14.2hh (56-58inches) right now, but when he is fully matured he will probably be about 15hh-15.2hh(60-62inches). In case you are wondering you measure them to the top of their shoulder not their head :) I am excited to start again with a new horse! It will be a lot of work but I am looking forward to it! till next time!!