Monday, October 26, 2009


So I picked up my new horse on Saturday, He had a little bit of a hard time trailering but we got him loaded so that's good. He is a sweet little guy! His face is so young! he's really friendly and is pretty laid back and is settling in well! For now he is at the bottom of the pecking order but that may change as he gets more confident. On Saturday we put him in the round pen so he could get used to the other horses but still be able to get away if he wanted to. After he was kinda settled in there we left to go get a load of hay, we were gone for an hour tops, when we got home he was out, in the pasture with the other two horses. All the rails were still intact and the gate was still double chained. We came to the conclusion that he either jumped or climbed. It made for a good laugh but now we know we have to watch him with that. He has not tried to get out of the pasture so that is good. Right now I am just working on getting him used to me, my voice, my smell that sort of thing. He's doing really well, he follows me around when I am in the pasture cleaning up, so that is a good sign. I am really excited to start working with him, he seems to be a very very smart quick learner! and really willing to learn too! He will be a lot of fun! His new name is Arod which means Swift, I was thinking Houdini but that will just be his nickname :)
Till next time

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