Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Road Goes Ever On And On...

"In order to move on the the future, I have to embrace the present, and in order to embrace the present I need to let go of the past."

The past few weeks have been really crazy! Trying to figure out what exactly is going on in my life, what my plans for the future are, where I'm going in life. It's crazy what graduating from high school does to your brain. I thought I had it all figured out, but when the time came I didn't know anymore. The feelings of being pressured into doing things that other people thought I should be doing with my life, not knowing where I was feeling called, not wanting to grow up, trying to find my place in monstrously huge world, were/are overwhelming. Sometimes I wish that you just knew the answers to all the questions that go through your head. But at the same time you would never learn anything, there would be no adventure in life anymore. I am starting to get an idea of where I am supposed to be, what I am called to do. I don't know how I am going to get to where I need to be, but I know I need to embrace where I am right now, and let go of where I've been. I don't need to worry about the future, it will come just like it always does, all I need to worry about is what I am doing with the time I am given. Tomorrow never comes so why worry? why focus on it? Why not live today like you will never live again? Why not take risks? What have you really got to lose? The future will come whether I like it or not. I'm not sure where this road will take me but I'm going to find out and embrace whatever comes my way.

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