Friday, December 11, 2009

What makes me the great white north...

So there are a few things that make me feel very happy at this point in life...
1. Snowy days.
2. When you are out doing chores or riding and you come back inside to a nice warm cozy house.
3. Sitting in front of the fire with tea and a book on those snowy days.
4. Drinking real green tea on those snowy days.
5. Doing puzzles in front of the fire with a cup of tea on those snowy days.
6. Foggy glasses: it makes the whole experience more real :)
7. Reading about Robin Hood and King Arthur in front of the fire on those snow days.
8. Watching 'The Princess Bride' in front of the fire with tea.

So really as long as I have tea, a good book, a puzzle, snow, and fire then I am quite content to live in the great white north :)


Thursday, December 10, 2009

time the blink of an eye

Do you ever wonder where time goes?? It's crazy how fast things change and grow. You blink and it's gone. I never understood why my parents always told me I was growing too fast. According to me I was growing to slow. Now all I want it to turn back the hands of time and relive those moments that I loved, the moments that I hated, the moments that I thought life couldn't get any worse, the moments that life was the greatest thing that could ever happen, and the moments that changed my life forever. Do you ever wonder how you would handle things going back and redoing them? Would you fight back? Would you just walk away? Would you have more grace? Would you say something or do something different? Would you have more patience? Sometimes I wish that I could go back with all the knowledge I have now and deal with things differently, but then where would I be now? I wouldn't be the same person. I wouldn't have grown the way I did through those situations.
The love you have after building a relationship with someone through the good times and the bad would not be the same, or as strong if you never went through those though times. The understanding that you have for something wouldn't be the same, or even be there if you didn't take the time to work it out. Why is it that when you are so young all you ever want to do it grow up? Why do we spend so much time when we are little trying to be bigger, trying to be older. just the get there and try to be young again? Why can't we just go through life and enjoy every minuet? the good and the bad? the better and the worse? What causes us to fly though life only to regret not taking the time to soak it all in? Why can't we all just stop and breathe? Take in the scenery? Enjoy our pie? (not 100% sure where that one came from but hey I never said I was smart :P).
Four years ago today a little 6 month old baby came into our family screaming, but she still stole our hearts. Who knew she would change our lives so much? all the long nights screaming and writhing from the pain of with drawl. Would I have traded those months or something else? No. If I could have taken her pain away I would have taken it in a heart beat. But would we be where we are now? For one thing no one would have guessed that after 6 months of screaming and writhing in pain every night, that this little girl would hold each one of our hearts so tightly? Well she has. I can't even imagine life without her. It actually hurts to think about it. After four years she has stolen the hearts of pretty much everyone she has come in contact with. Her beautiful brow eyes, her mischievous smile, her contagious laugh, her giggle that can light up a room. she is amazing. Today December 10 2009 marks four years of her being in our home! We looks forward to the years ahead and hope and pray her adoption goes through soon! We love you a million stars Peaches!! (nickname used to protect child).

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Concerts and other such delights...

Ok so it's been awhile anyways cool story this past week one of my favorite christian bands came to my area and played! It was an AMAZING worship time! God was totally there and you could just feel his presence it was awesome! there weren't that many people at the show so it made it very personal, and after the show was over it gave us a chance to talk to one of the guys from the band. It was really cool! We were able to pray with him and for him and yeah it was just nice to be able to give back a little bit to them. It must be hard to be in a band and have to pour out so much to people and never get anything in return. I just hope and pray that we were able to make a little bit of a difference even if it just encouraged them. Anyhow I don't really have any more time to post a whole lot more but till next time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So this past week I've had to play vet for my mare. On Sunday my dad gave her her vaccinations and Monday afternoon I went out to get her to work with her and found that she wasn't breathing properly, her noes was running like it was a tap that was left on, she was dripping sweat, her neck was swollen and she was shaking so much she looked like she was ready to collapse. Called the vet and unfortunately I didn't have a trailer to take her to the vet, nor did I have the 150$ to have him come out and look at her. So I got my camera out and took pictures and videos of her and brought those to the vet and had her checked out that way, I know, I was desperate. Anywho when I showed the vet the pictures and video he said it looked like she had a reaction to the vaccines and it was a localized infection. He gave me some meds I had to give her orally as well as needles I had to administer :S so I spent three days checking her almost every hour and giving her and 18gage needle with 20cc of meds in her neck...the needle was HUGE! But now I can say I know how to give a needle but it still creeps me out...yeah that was my week. Oh on saturday I worked with Arod for the first time! he has the attention span of a pickle, but what do you expect with a two year old :) he did well for never doing anything before.
till next time!

Monday, October 26, 2009


So I picked up my new horse on Saturday, He had a little bit of a hard time trailering but we got him loaded so that's good. He is a sweet little guy! His face is so young! he's really friendly and is pretty laid back and is settling in well! For now he is at the bottom of the pecking order but that may change as he gets more confident. On Saturday we put him in the round pen so he could get used to the other horses but still be able to get away if he wanted to. After he was kinda settled in there we left to go get a load of hay, we were gone for an hour tops, when we got home he was out, in the pasture with the other two horses. All the rails were still intact and the gate was still double chained. We came to the conclusion that he either jumped or climbed. It made for a good laugh but now we know we have to watch him with that. He has not tried to get out of the pasture so that is good. Right now I am just working on getting him used to me, my voice, my smell that sort of thing. He's doing really well, he follows me around when I am in the pasture cleaning up, so that is a good sign. I am really excited to start working with him, he seems to be a very very smart quick learner! and really willing to learn too! He will be a lot of fun! His new name is Arod which means Swift, I was thinking Houdini but that will just be his nickname :)
Till next time

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Road Goes Ever On And On...

"In order to move on the the future, I have to embrace the present, and in order to embrace the present I need to let go of the past."

The past few weeks have been really crazy! Trying to figure out what exactly is going on in my life, what my plans for the future are, where I'm going in life. It's crazy what graduating from high school does to your brain. I thought I had it all figured out, but when the time came I didn't know anymore. The feelings of being pressured into doing things that other people thought I should be doing with my life, not knowing where I was feeling called, not wanting to grow up, trying to find my place in monstrously huge world, were/are overwhelming. Sometimes I wish that you just knew the answers to all the questions that go through your head. But at the same time you would never learn anything, there would be no adventure in life anymore. I am starting to get an idea of where I am supposed to be, what I am called to do. I don't know how I am going to get to where I need to be, but I know I need to embrace where I am right now, and let go of where I've been. I don't need to worry about the future, it will come just like it always does, all I need to worry about is what I am doing with the time I am given. Tomorrow never comes so why worry? why focus on it? Why not live today like you will never live again? Why not take risks? What have you really got to lose? The future will come whether I like it or not. I'm not sure where this road will take me but I'm going to find out and embrace whatever comes my way.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Horse...

Ok so I just got some exciting news!! I went to go look at a horse this past Sunday, I fell in love at first sight. He's the sweetest little guys ever! he has lots of spunk but he's very good with people. He's two years old and only halter broke which means I get to train him!! I am so excited! anyways today I found out that I got approved to purchase him! He is a rescue horse so that means that they are a little tighter on the purchasers so I had to give references and such, but they approved me! Now I get to go pick him up whenever I want to!! so hopefully this weekend!! I am so stoked!! His name right now is Conman but I will probably change it, I have a couple ideas but nothing official yet. Here are some pictures of him!

He needs some work on his coat and stuff but all that needs it a little bit of TLC and one on one care. He is still growing, he is about 14hh-14.2hh (56-58inches) right now, but when he is fully matured he will probably be about 15hh-15.2hh(60-62inches). In case you are wondering you measure them to the top of their shoulder not their head :) I am excited to start again with a new horse! It will be a lot of work but I am looking forward to it! till next time!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

At a banquet...

So unfortunately I have no pictures for this post, and it will probably be pretty short but anyhow.
Tonight my sister a friend and I played at a banquet that our church put on as a thank you to everyone who helped build it. We mostly did the background music and then we did a couple songs as part of the program. It went pretty well until we forgot to eat, and then when I was playing one of the songs I wrote I mixed the first half of the first verse with the second half of the second verse, after I got VERY confused I just jumped into the chorus. No one noticed but of course I did and it was just a very very short song :p with only three verses instead of four. Anyhow other than that it went pretty well, not our best performance but it was good. It was nice to just be in the background and only do a couple songs in the program. I think it would be super fun to do a valentines day banquet and get to play all sorts of love songs! It was a little hard trying to pick songs for an older audience but it was a fun challenge and if I would ever do it again I would know what to expect and know what to do differently.
Oh and by the way the snow has melted and it was much warmer today and yesterday than it has been! looks like we may get the fall we missed after all :D
Till next time!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In the great white north...

So this is my first blog entry. Not sure what exactly will happen with this blog but I thought I would give it a shot and see what happens. I am no word smith, I just write what first comes to my mind. Anyhow to begin.
This past weekend was thanksgiving, and of course it had to snow. Have you ever completely skipped a season? I mean other than going somewhere warm to escape the cold? well we just experienced skipping a season. Like a week and a half ago I was sitting at work in a tank-top and shorts and planing on going to the beach with some friends. yeah that would be the last week in September! It was still in the 30s. then WHOOSH! In comes an "arctic front". What's that for? I mean I know I'm living "up north" but central Alberta ain't that close to the arctic! Now here I sit in front on the fire with hot chocolate, and a blanket warming up after a nice ride on my horse, and I am watching it snow outside...really...snow? whatever! oh and of course our water heater for the horses water broke and we did not find this out till their water trough was frozen solid! and it's not a tiny one, it's a huge old rubber tractor tire. So now I spend an hour every morning breaking ice out of buckets for the dogs and the horses. Well at least it's not just cold, at least we have snow so it's not so bad cause you can still have snowball fights. Maybe we'll get a longer snowboarding season now...that could be nice! Anyhow if I don't freeze I will probably post something again soon. till then stay warm!